Well this past weekend was a good one. Although it snowed, it was still enjoyable. On Friday, a few friends and I went on the gallery stroll. It's basically an art show where there are different exhibits at different galleries all along center street. So you stroll along and view the art in the different galleries. Beforehand, we had dinner with Levi and Taylor. They made us pinto gallo! It was fab. On Saturday and Sunday, there was general conference. Boy what a treat. I feel like I am inspired every year around general conference time, but this time was different. I felt even more inspired than normal. It was so great! Each and every talk was so incredible, and I was even able to stay awake during all of the sessions this year! :D Some highlights that really touched me are as follows: (not direct quotes, but as close as I can remember)
1. Julie B. Beck - "Revelation can come hour by hour as we do the right things" "When we do those things, we will still experience disappointment, but we won't be disappointed in ourselves"
2. Keith B. McMullin- "It is just as important to be guided by the spirit as we pray as it is to be enlightened by that same sprit to get answers to those prayers"
3. Wilford W. Anderson - "Hope, happiness, and joy aren't products of circumstance, but of faith in the Lord"
4. Jeffrey R. Holland - "The only real control in life is self control"
5. Dieter F. Uchtdorf - "As we love, our spirits become more reined and we become happier" "Let us commit to become His hands, that others may feel His love through us"
6. Quentin L. Cook - "How we disagree is a rue measure of who we are"
7. Bradley D. Foster - "If you stay on the road of faith, the end will be better than the beginning" "A distraction doesn't have to be evil to be successful"
There were a lot more things that I really enjoyed, but I didn't want to make this list toooo long. Either way, I am committed to becoming a better me. I've got some new goals after conference, and I need to get to work on them!