Holy Crap I'm taking the GRE....
i need to study for the GRE. So many vocab words
490 paper- slavery slavery slavery
I'm freaking going to Jerusalem
wow i have so much reading, i don't know how i am going to get all of this done.
i need to find more clothes that are appropriate for Jerusalem
i wonder how Ethan is doing... how can I get closer to him?
i know i'm not worried about the math portion of the GRE, but should I be?
Am I really going to Jerusalem?
I need to call mom/dad/fill in the blank
I need to figure out car insurance for Jerusalem
I need to write Emma back
Words with friends takes up way too much of my life
The Quran is actually a pretty good book. What if I was Muslim? ;)
There are Muslims in JERUSALEM
I wonder how (fill in the blank) is doing...
I need to write in my Journal
Shoot. I am taking the GRE.
Am I going to get into grad school? What if I don't? What if i DO?
Jerusalem is going to be awesome.
I miss Ethan. I miss Parker. I miss my parents.
How is Parker doing? How can I be a support to him from so far away?
I'll be even farther from him in Jerusalem.
How is it possible to think about Jerusalem THIS much?
Oh shoot, I need to think more about the GRE and less about Jerusalem.
bellicose=hostile, apotheosis=supreme example, anachronistic=out of place, etc.
And the cylce just goes on and on and on....