Sunday, January 16, 2011


I had the opportunity to go to a forum at BYU this past Thursday with a very special guest: Condoleezza Rice. I was SO impressed and she was nothing short of inspiring. I'm so glad that I went and she made me really think about where I am going in my life and what I want to be doing. Here are a few notes that I wrote down during her speech:

"Today's headlines and history's judgements are rarely the same. We need to make history's judgement the right one."

"It doesn't matter where you came from, it matters where you are going."

"We as a nation are held together by that promise of being able to achieve despite humble circumstances."

"The essence of being human is integrating your knowledge of what is with your belief of what might be."

"With education comes responsibility."

"When you find your passion, worlds open up to you that you never thought possible."

"When you overcome something that's hard, you know you can overcome life's challenges. So do something that is hard for you."

"Keep your optimism. If we, who have every opportunity at our fingertips can't be optimistic, then who can be? As educated people, we have a responsibility to be optimistic."

"You can't control your circumstances, you can control your response."

"Thing that seem impossible in retrospect seem inevitable."

She said so many good things and I am truly grateful for people like her that are living the American dream and giving the rest of us hope. Thank you Dr. Rice for coming to BYU!


Emily Davis said...

These are some great quotes, thanks for sharing them!

Angela said...

I wish I could've been there! I'm so glad someone took notes! Thanks Grace!