Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Apparently my class actually starts at 1...

Well I thought my next class started at noon, but here I am waiting for it to start and am realizing that it doesn't actually start until 1. Awesome. I guess that gives me more time to blog though, right? Well winter semester ended last Thursday and Spring classes already started yesterday. I would be lying if I didn't say I was slightly relieved though. I was really bored those few days between school days and I didn't really know what to do with myself. So I'm glad to be back in classes- and I'm only taking 2 so that should be even more enjoyable.

I've been thinking a lot about God lately. Mainly about my relationship with him. I'm struggling to know what is and isn't ok to ask Him. I feel like I just want to lay down how I want my life to go to Him and for Him to just grant it to me sometimes. And it's not like I'm asking for some crazy, unrealistic things. I have righteous desires, and yet I still struggle to ask for them sometimes because I want to ensure Him that it is His will that should be done, not mine. What if my will and His will are aligned though? How can you really tell? I guess that's one of life's lessons that I am still learning slowly but surely.