Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jeru- still as awesome as ever

Ok here's what my week has looked like thus far:

A group of us went and volunteered at a preschool down the street and it was really really fun. We were supposedly teaching them English... I don't know how well they were picking it up. But they know how to count, so that's good. We were counting to take the picture, which is why Davis and I both have the number 3 up. The kids were pretty rowdy and were all over the place, but they were still adorable and loved being around us. All of the girls loved my pretty pink nail polish :) So that was really fun.
We also had our passover meal this past week! Why didn't we haven't during the actual passover? Well your guess is as good as mine. Either way it was really really fun. My teacher- Ophir Yarden led the meal and it was very authentic. We read the story of the Exodus, sang some songs in Hebrew and then had an awesome meal and drank grape juice. Everything was so delicious and we had a lot of fun. Here is a pictures of the people at my table: Travis, me, Megan, and Sarah- my roommate.
This week was also Valentine's day so we had a dance which was so fun! We all got ready together- so here are the girls that got ready. Bonnie, Claire, Sarah, Lee, myself, Janae, Loie and Alyssa.
Here's Travis and I breaking it down to some J. Biebs:
And then today was our free day and we went to Zedekiah's caves, which was really cool. It is pouring rain outside today though so after that we pretty much just went home because we got soaked and it was freezing.... so boo on that... I guess one good thing about it though is that I have more time to do homework and blog!
So hopefully you enjoy this- we are doing our Holocaust museum field trip tomorrow... which will be sad, but I think I will really enjoy it. I'll fill you guys in on it tomorrow!

1 comment:

Hermana Ferrin said...

Magic hair! Thanks ever so much. :)