Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Life Really Is a Musical

Well it was a good weekend. On Friday, I went on another walk with my friend Adam. This one was a lot longer than our typical walks. We walked from my house down to the river trail and walked on that for a while. And it takes quite a while to get to the river trail in the first place. It was a really nice day with good conversation, so in general a good time. That night I went out to dinner with my old roommates Heidi and Michelle. Michelle graduated in December and moved back to AZ. So she came in town, and we all went out to Macaroni Grill- our traditional place. So that was a good night. On Saturday I worked during the day. After work I went to a wedding for my friends Heather and Alejandro. It was a beautiful ceremony with a reception immediately following. They are such a fun couple! So I'm glad I got to go to that. On Sunday we had break the fast after church. I didn't eat much though because my friend Shelly and my roommate Emily had planned on making pizzas from my food network magazine. We made breakfast pizzas, and boy were they delicious! They had bacon on them and then you cracked on egg on top and baked them. Very good. Simple as well, but very good. My friends Levi and Taylor then came over and we watched the CES fireside while making crafts. We all hung out until it was ward prayer time. After ward prayer we all played games. Everyone slowly left for the night until it was only Elise, Evan, Taylor and myself. And then the most incredible thing happened. Evan was playing the piano and Taylor was showing me his blog that he just started. Evan then turns to Taylor and asks him why he didn't know about this blog. Taylor says its because he had just started it. Evan doesn't accept that, however, because it had been 4 whole days since the first post. He then begins to play and sing a song about how Taylor didn't tell him about this blog. And he was so good at being serious! And he sang for like an entire song! Then all of the sudden Taylor stands up and joins in the song too, singing about how sorry he was for not telling Evan about his blog. The words were rhyming and everything! Elise and I just stared at each other, not knowing if this was really happening or not! I was laughing so hard, I was literally bawling. Not just crying! They continued the song for like 5 or so minutes and then ended with a dramatic finale. And then we all went back to normal conversation. So as my title suggests, my life really is a musical. And now you can all be jealous. That is all.

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