Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Palm Sunday! I'll never be the same

Palm Sunday. One of the best days to be in Jerusalem, if you are a Christian. A big group of us went to join in on the walk from Bethphage to St. Anne's church in the old city- which is where Jesus walked during his triumphant entry. So cool!! There were thousands of Christians there from all different sects and from all over the world. There was such a cool feeling of unity- especially since Jerusalem often seems to be engulfed in the Muslim/Jewish conflict. We started out at the church in Bethphage on the mount of Olives. You could buy palm leaves there, which many did. I didn't buy a huge one, because they were a little pricey, but here's a pic of Travis and I holding some:
This is Janae, Dylan and I inside of the church. Notice the artwork in the back.
Travis and I bought some palm leaf crosses for a dollar, they were pretty sweet. And we are hardcore Christians!
Here's all of the people making the walk.
We ended up being in front of this group of Africans- and boy did they know how to praise Jesus! They were singing with drums and guitars while dancing during the entire 2 and half hour walk! I couldn't believe their energy! So of course we joined in on it. It was sooooo fun! I couldn't believe how awesome it was. We were literally dancing and jumping up and down and singing the entire time. And it was so hot outside. Let's just say I was extremely tired at the end of the day... Oh and I got interviewed for the news! So that was exciting as well.
And here we are at the end- there is St. Anne's church behind us.
Let's just say that it was amazing!!!! If you ever have the chance to be in Jerusalem for a Palm Sunday then DO IT! I feel like a true pilgrim now.


Freda Finlinson said...

You definitely should have sprung for the giant palm leave!! Hey, when you ever be there again??

Freda Finlinson said...

OK, I just realized a wrote leave, not leaf. I promise I'm not one of those texting teens who do not know the proper use of words!!