Wednesday, March 31, 2010

40 days and 40 nights

So lent is ending soon- which means I will be able to get back on facebook after a seemingly short 40 days. I have to admit, I really thought it would be harder to give up facebook. That's why I gave it up in the first place, really. I wanted to sacrifice something that I felt an unnecessary connection too. And I am proud to admit that I haven't even missed it. I almost don't ever want to go back on it. Yes, I know, that's crazy talk! haha. I will be going back on facebook- but now I feel like I won't be so attached to it. I can use it to simply keep up with a few people, and leave it at that. I'm definitely not going to check it every single day. And when I do check it, I want to keep a time limit on it. Not sure how long yet... I'll have to get back to you on that one. Either way, I'm glad that I decided to celebrate lent this year. A lot of people have been giving me grief because I'm not catholic. But who cares? I feel like sacrifice is a huge part of life, and if the catholics have something in their religion that can help me learn to sacrifice something important to me, then good on them. I think I'm going to start doing lent every year in fact. I'd like to try giving up sugar at some point. Who knows how that'll go... it would probably be much harder than giving up facebook. Well I've got pictures to share with everyone! Here are some of the things I've been doing while away from the computer :) Once again, these are not in order. Blogger really needs to fix their way of adding pictures into a post....

We went on a picnic at the park. In the park, there is a memorial to soldiers- so there is a monument and this tank. I'm not even sure if its to a specific war or what.... but we got some good shots on it!
We also took some adorable pics just around. Here is Shelly and I

For FHE the other night, we had an Asian culture night. We had a potluck, which of course included fortune cookies!! Nick and I got the same fortune! "No one can take your happiness away from you" So true. The fortune cookie always knows...
This is just us hanging out on a Sunday night. Levi, Evan and I. Oh la la!
Our ward threw a gold party. We all had to wear gold. Taylor (wearing Elise's grandmother's shirt) was the MC of the event. And Elise's jacket was SO rad!!
So there you have it. Pictures, my thoughts on facebook, and now it's that time. Peace


Mrs. Charissa Black said...

Your hair looks gorgeous!! And it is sure fabulous to hear your thoughts and see that you're having a blast out there...I know, I need to visit...


Jonathan Weiss said...

The last fortune I got read, Something is amiss!! Pick Luke, he is a true friend!