Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Piece of Elise and I have made some goals

My roommate Elise and I went on a long walk yesterday and came up with some goals that we want to accomplish this semester/summer. I figured blogging about them is a good way of keeping track of everything we said. Hopefully I can remember at least most of them. Because we made a lot.

1. Go camping
2. Eat at Communal- a cool new restaurant on our street
3. Take a roadtrip to CA
4. Hike the Y
5. Build an amazing fort
6. Have an extremely classy dinner party
7. Go try new, undiscovered restaurants around Provo and then blog about them
8. Have a real Tickle Panty party- what is this you ask? I'm not sure either.... (think slumber party)
9. Go to an outdoor concert
10. Make a movie/short film
11. Learn the Single Ladies dance... oohhhh yeahhhh
12. Have a tie-dye party
13. Go sit out in nature and paint a landscape

Wow we made a lot of goals.... I know I'm forgetting a lot of them. Elise, maybe you could help me out here? Well either way- its going to be a fun next few months. Of that I am sure. If you have ideas of other fun ideas, let me know and we will add them to the list!


Marge Bjork said...

Oh! I'll learn single ladies with you!!

Jonathan Weiss said...

I can totally help you out with numbers #3, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 13. The others I am sure you'll get done just fine and I guess all of them really but....for these numbers I have either special skills or special contacts to get them done. Oh and I am good friends with two of the waiters at Communal. The place is amazing.