Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blogathon. First stop? The circus!

K I have seriously been slacking in blogging. Yes, I know. And I deeply apologize for it. So to make it up, I am going on a little blogathon. Yes that's right- multiple posts in one sitting! Isn't it exciting?? To start the night of blogging out - I'd like to tell you about a little circus party we had at my house 2 weeks ago. It was amazing!! We had so much going on and SO many people there. And a lot of people came in costumes surprisingly enough. haha. Good times. Big shout out to Elise and her mad party planning skills!! And to Angela for renting the llamas. Because you really can't have a great party without them, right? Emma was an incredible fortune teller and Emily made funnel cakes all night! Can you believe it? Yay for deep fried goodness.

So here is out little fortune teller- Madame Shmadame if you will.

We had a face painting booth. John's cheek was so sweet, don't you think? ;)
Joel looked quite dashing, really. He and James made balloon animals all night long. Love it!
Tay Tay was our ringmaster along with Levi the tiger.
The human cannon ball and a mime were also there. Evan the mime was incredible- he stayed in character all night long!
Adam was our clown for the evening. So good!
The bearded lady also made an appearance along with Steve the extraordinary juggler!
Elise looked super cute in her yellow dress and pigtails. And what's a circus without a giant lolly pop?
Angela controlled the llamas in the back. And they were great as well.
This is the outside of our house before the party started. Welcome to the circus!
Me with one of our furry friends. His name escapes me at this moment in time.
There are oh so many more pictures, but hey that's what facebook is for, right? Go ahead and add me if you haven't already and take a gander at the large amount of pictures we took. :)

1 comment:

Emily Davis said...

Tangerine. That was the name of the llama in your pic. I still want to buy a llama and name it Kuzco.