Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30 Day Bust

Yeah about that 30 days challenge... I'm not saying I'll never finish it. I'm just saying that I really didn't enjoy it. I thought I would like it more than I did. But hey- that's ok right? I'll put the last few topics up eventually, but every day is a little much if you ask me Plus the topics aren't that interesting a lot of the time. Maybe I should come up with a 30 day challenge that is actually cool. hmmm.... maybe I will. Anyway- don't worry- I haven't died. I'm just on strike of the 30 day challenge, which I am now calling the 30 day bust if you can't tell. Welp- see ya


Freda Finlinson said...

Maybe your next entry/topic could be "Broken Commitments", or "Unrealistic Expectations We Place on Ourselves" or "The Ideal (what we would like to do, or think we should do) VS The Real (what we actually get done)... closing the Gap". :)

Marge Bjork said...

Phew! I was worried you had been eaten by a boa constrictor

Angela said...

yeah, it's like those surveys that used to circulate the aol accounts during middle school: "sunrise or sunset? tuna or PBJ? what was the last movie you watched?" I used to spend so much time on those!!